How Long Will Treatment Take?

The answer to the frequently asked question “How long will treatment take?” depends upon several factors:

  • What psychological difficulties are present?
  • How long has the individual struggled with what is defined as the problem bringing him or her to treatment?
  • What is the severity of dysfunction shown by the prospective client?
  • What emotional, financial, and social resources does an individual have that may help him or her participate in treatment?
  • Are there other behavioral strengths or skills that can help an individual get better?
  • What other treatment approaches have been tried?
  • What might the reasons be for an earlier treatment’s lack of success?
  • What have the emotional, financial, physical, and relational costs been regarding the problem behaviors?
  • Conversely, what benefits may have come as a direct or indirect result of the individual’s having had an eating disorder or other psychological problem?

Clinical Psychologist, Behavior Therapist, Eating Disorder Specialist